About Me

Hi! I’m Nilson, a begginer programmer with interest in software development.

I also a lovely of math, cinema and sciences in general, always solving problems of competitive programming and DSA in general.

My photo (Nilson Cesar), a latino man with black hair and marron eyes, very beautiful, modesty aside


My personal site

A photo of my personal site, you is here!

This is a metalinguistic description! I use in this project html and css, also practicing responsive design and accessibility.


A photo of bot in action
The bot was emitting the total vaccinated brazilians in actual time, with a graphic to explore visual insights

In the field of engineering projects, from the Computer Engineering course, I created a bot on telegram that felt information about the situation of covid-19 in Brazil. Among the features, there was the possibility of seeing the number of people vaccinated, dead and contaminated by the aforementioned disease.


Html icon CSS icon Javascript icon Python icon Flask icon C plus plus icon Git icon Github icon Figma icon Acessibility icon


You can find me following the rabbit... or (more pragmatically):